My Ponder List

  • "Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston Churchill

Thursday, July 14, 2011


"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." John Wooden

Kevin Jones. A worn ball hat,dark glasses, a day old beard, no smile, no talk, a hurried gait to get it done. Intense on the green, a smug confidence bordering on arrogance , impatient when the game dragged, a man with a purpose, get out of my way.
One of Canada's elite bowlers.
He's won Canadian gold, the same in Ontario and is a dominant force at the prestigious W.O.B.A. Tournament. It's the only colour that matters. Winning motivates him, administrivia has frustrated him to the point of discord and withdrawal.
Does this grant him entitled status. Is life's journey easier when you are skilled.Does he only care about himself? 
It's a facade. 
Under that armored personna beats a heart with compassion and caring about those less fortunate. A person who has himself carried the burden of joblessness in his survival responsibilities and still spends 15 hour days to make it better for those adrift in our world of hanging on. In Kevin's words, "Im tired, I was at Ark Aid at 7 this morning and was doing volunteer stuff until 10:45 tonight. I seem to work more now....than I did when I had a job. "
But his request isn't for himself, it's for the homeless trying to survive and get back on their feet, for the visitors to have a warm and dry bed for a little while, for the hungry that seek sustenance in the next hours with no guarantees the next day.
This is Kev's letter:

To all WOBA players.
I am currently volunteering at the Unity Project in London. The people, who use the service that Unity Project provides, are trying to get their lives back on track, and we offer free or very cheap services to them. Emergency shelter, transitional housing, and counselling to guide people back to being productive citizens. (See the website about what we do for more information) Unity Project is able to help the people in need, in a large part by donations. If you can see your way to donate one or more of the items listed, I and the Unity Project would be very appreciative.
Thank you,
Kevin Jones
Our “Needs" List.

single bed sheets/blankets/pillows
coffee cups
laundry/dish soap
shampoo/toothpaste/ bar soap/lotions/conditioner
Feminine hygiene products
bath towels
razors/shaving cream/deodorant
First Aid supplies (bandages/band aids etc)
toilet paper
spray air freshener
oven mitts
manual can openers
soup bowls
plastic juice jugs
electric hand mixer
gently used clothing
new socks/underwear
plastic knives/forks/spoons
non-perishable food items
Also, grocery store gift cards and personal cheques (made payable to “Unity Project”) will be accepted and a tax receipt for monetary donations will be issued. If you choose to give monetary or a grocery store gift card, please place it in a sealed envelope in the “drop box” with your name and address. Or, you can give them to James Covell, Bob North or my dad, Ronnie Jones. I will try to be at the Fairmont club as much as I can, but, I am scheduled to volunteer at Unity on Sunday/Monday and Wednesday from 4-10pm during WOBA. I wish you all the best in Bowls during the week.
Thank you for helping if you can, if you can’t, that’s OK too.
Kevin Jones
407-311 Wellington Court

I can't beat him in bowls but we can help him with his cause. Can you lend a hand too?

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