My Ponder List

  • "Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Winston Churchill

Friday, July 9, 2010


D1 Michelle Whitehead(S), Laurie Roth
D3 Moe Cosyn (S), Bob North
 Plaque Donated by Laura Hawryszko 
(left click on photos)
by Ryanne Logan

D12 Helen Wright(S), Shirley Ko
D10 Bob Bates(S), Ken Uyesugi
with mascot Cameron North

D15 Pauline Hill(S), Pat Gemmell
D2 Chuck Townsend(S), Doug Hoskin

Chuck is such a good bowler because his right arm is so long.

A personal reaction.
I write about others but now I am lost for words. 
I write in the real world but I am thinking in mystical terms.
Was this a 'meant to be moment'?
Our headline could be Holy Moe ly.
I am a spiritual being.
I live with faith and hope and awareness of others. My reward is feeding on the staples of every day but Someone just provided dessert.
I know my wife Sandy was playing every bowl and wringing her Kleenex into hair balls.
Her wash of tears left me grasping for a manly response and gasping for a breath of air. 
Winning doesn't grow old but the players do.
We are delighted to be able to grab the ring before we can't reach the standard.
It is like having a big ice cream cone on a hot day. We are licking like crazy to realize the full pleasure but can see it melting away.
We are ecstatic about the gold and humbled by your response.
We will take on the country, do our best and accept our lot.
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry Ford

to be continued

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